
Simple Steps for Using LinkedIn

SCORE Omaha – February 27, 2014 – 9:30am – 11:00am

Mike has taught many businesses how to use LinkedIn to generate leads and he’s going to show you how to do the same as he unlocks some of the mystery behind using LInkedIn.  You’ll walk away having enough information to use this awesome tool right away to gain prospects.

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 In this Semiar You will learn…

   *    Best practices when using the world’s largest professional network
*    The ” do’s” and “don’ts” of using LinkedIn
*    How and what to post to create and maintain connections
*    What it means to get an invitation to “connect”
*    How to increase your connections or “following”
*    What are “Groups” and how to market to them
*    When to build a business page on LinkedIn to show off your business
If you’ve been to one of Mike’s seminars you know he’s not holding anything back.  This is an interactive seminar so be prepared to ask questions and learn LinkedIn. 

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Simple Steps for Using LinkedIn

 There is no fee for this course

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