Facebook 4 Business

SCORE Omaha – January 30, 2014 – 9:30am – 11:00am

 Are you wondering how to use Facebook to generate business, donations and bring in more volunteers? Some say “it doesn’t work,” others are very successful with using Facebook for their business.  At this seminar you’ll hear what’s working and what’s not.  Mike Bitter, a local entrepreneur will show you the ins and outs of social media and Facebook marketing.

 Register Today!

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In this session you will learn:

  • When to use Facebook to increase visibility, prospects and donations
  • How to use Facebook as a serious marketing tool
  • What it means to use Social Relationships to find customers
  • 5 tips and tricks you can use right away to increase your following
  • Where to find FREE Facebook analytics
  • Ideas for crafting content to increase engagement and customer loyalty
  • Understand how Facebook can help you “Go and GROW”

 Get registered today and learn how to

Market Your Business on a Shoestring Budget

 There is no fee for this course