Social Media Marketing: What NOT to say on social media

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Kolkata Social Media – You can say NO to social media marketing only if you are willing to lose business to your competitors and have your customer-base shrinking by the day.

In today’s age and time, social media marketing is one of the most important components of online marketing – regardless of the size and type of your business.

Surveys reveal that nearly 73% of business houses are using social media and this amply demonstrates the growing importance of social media marketing.

Social media marketing has assumed enormous importance among businesses enterprises because of its cost-effectiveness, ability to instantly reach targeted audiences and generate sales leads.

According to Forbes, 85% of businesses claim social media has given their business incredible exposure at minimal cost.

Branding can also be done effectively on social media. A study by Nielsen has reported that 48% of online users rely on social media for making purchase decisions.

Social media can be an effective gateway for acquisition of new customer and expansion of customer-base.

Please know there are approximately 1.74 billion social media users and almost all of them look into social media while buying products/services…………

Read the rest of this awesome story at What NOT to say on social media